You missed the METIS 3 Dissemination event? The slides are now available!
METIS is the European energy system model developed by Artelys since 2015 on behalf of the European Commission’s DG ENER, and has evolved into a fully web-based tool.
Over the past 4 years, the METIS 3 project has allowed key developments of the tool, including the enhanced representation of synergies and competition between energy vectors (hydrogen, biomethane…), of energy transport infrastructure (LNG regasification terminals, hydrogen infrastructure…), and the introduction of pathway optimisation to support key impact assessments for the latest European climate and energy targets. This Final Dissemination Event was therefore a great opportunity to showcase the latest model features and to present the insights gained from the studies carried out in the context of the METIS 3 project!
You can now access the slides presented at the event.
Figure: Example of METIS interfaces – Maps and KPI visualisation
Did you get the chance to visit the new METIS section on the Artelys website, including all published reports and data? Do not hesitate in contacting us if you want to know more about Artelys services!

Knitro 14.2 solve your toughest nonlinear non-convex models in seconds
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