your solutions in
— Artelys is an independent company specialised in optimization, decision support and modeling.Through a high-level expertise in quantitative techniques, our consultants design suitable solutions to the needs of their customers. They operate in diversified sectors such as energy, transportation and logistics.
Skills and experiences
Artelys relies on the skills of its engineers and doctors. Artelys’s consultants are specialists in applied mathematics, computer science and project management. They have theoretical knowledge in academic background and practical expertise technologies, two key elements which allow them answer the needs of their customers.
Result driven
At each step of the project, Artelys takes care to explain and advocate the approach, and identify and mitigate risks. The services are usually provided for a flat fee and Artelys is committed to deliver on time.
Customer satisfaction
Whatever the type of service, a close collaboration is maintained with the client to ensure that the client needs are met on a long term basis. Artelys uses the best suited communication tools (prototypes, algorithm specifications, etc.) according to the specific wishes and context of the client.
— Founded in 2000 in Paris, Artelys expanded to became a leader in optimization solutions.

key figures
— Since its creation in January 2000, Artelys is constantly growing and has years of positive net results.
- 2021 100%
- 2019 79.7%
- 2017 58.9%
- 2015 56.1%
- 2013 33.2%
- 2011 25%
- 2009 21%
- 2007 17%
- 2005 13.2%
- 2003 8.5%
- 2001 5.7%
- 2021 100%
- 2019 76.4%
- 2017 60.7%
- 2015 55.1%
- 2013 43.8%
- 2011 31.5%
- 2009 22.5%
- 2007 19.1%
- 2005 18%
- 2003 13.5%
- 2001 1.1%
— Whether technological, commercial or financial, Artelys has built various partnerships over the years in order to offer its customers the best service on the best products, by developing synergies and increasing its business expertise through domestic, European and international successful projects.
— In order to provide to its customers state-of-art solutions and to solve highly complex problems, Artelys is involved in research and development. Through its innovative strategy Artelys aims to develop more performing, efficient and robust optimization and decision support tools.
The aim of this H2020 project is to demonstrate a new generation of low-temperature district heating and cooling networks capable of recovering available renewable and waste heat that is currently under-utilized.
Artelys is developing a datamining software capable of handling the unprecedented quantities of data available, using artificial intelligence to provide network operators with recommendations.
LocalRES seeks to put the energy transition in the hands of communities and citizens, by designing local, renewable energy systems managed by Renewable Energy Communities. The project will produce digital tools to accelerate structural changes in energy systems.
A planning tool will be developed by Artelys, enabling long-term system scenarios and performance assessments, as well as facilitating the dissemination of analysis findings to the community.
ECEMF is an H2020 project whose aim is to establish a European focal point for researchers and policy-makers in the field of energy and climate, in order to meet the key challenge of our time: achieving climate neutrality.
Drawing on its experience with the European METIS model, Artelys is developing a visualization module that can be integrated into web pages, enabling advanced, highly configurable visualization options to drive debate within the European community.
The FF4 project aims to demonstrate the benefits of high-performance computing for SMEs. The focus is on the development of large-scale simulations using HPC clusters.
Within the project, Artelys is addressing the problem of maintenance planning for power systems and networks, with a focus on the energy transition. Our aim is to set up a solution enabling the simulation of thousands of scenarios mixing climatic uncertainties and outages, in order to optimize the maintenance planning of production units.
Insulae enables the deployment of innovative, cost-effective solutions for the decarbonization of European islands. A set of interventions relating to 7 smart-grid use cases presenting an attractive economic balance is deployed and tested on three pilot islands. The results were used to validate an investment planning tool (IPT), which was then tested on 4 “follower” islands.
The IPT is based on Artelys Crystal technology, and is deployed on each of the seven islands: Unije, Bornholm, Madeira, Menorca, Norderney, Bonaire and Psara.
Coordinated by Artelys and in partnership with GEG, INRIA and L2EP, the aim of this project is to design and develop reference software for simulating and optimizing the sizing of flexible electrical distribution networks (production and consumption flexibilities, storage, multi-energy flexibilities, fine control of the network, etc.).
The aim of this H2020 project is to develop a GIS tool to help local authorities build low-carbon, economically viable alternative scenarios for the installation of heating networks.
As part of this project, Artelys is responsible for developing the integrated platform and designing an optimal layout and sizing module for the establishment or development of heating and cooling networks.
FrHyGe is a five-year project funded by the European Union’s Clean Hydrogen Partnership. Its aim is to validate, on an industrial case study, the ability of underground hydrogen storage in salt caverns to provide flexibility services.
Artelys will carry out cost-benefit analyses of two industrial projects, as well as a pan-European replication analysis.
The aim of this project is to provide African decision-makers with the elements needed to increase the share of renewable energies in the energy production mix and move towards sustainable use of resources in all sectors of activity.
To this end, a toolbox is being developed to bring together energy system modeling approaches and simulation capabilities for prospective energy-climate scenarios. This will enable a cross-functional approach that takes account of technical, economic, climatic and social constraints.
META-BUILD aims to make the decarbonization of Europe’s building stock operational through the development of cost-effective, integrated and replicable solutions. 6 pilot buildings located in different countries and climatic zones will serve as demonstrators.
Artelys’ role is to scale up the lessons learned from the pilot sites, by assessing the impact of Europe-wide penetration of the technologies used by META-BUILD in the Artelys Crystal Super Grid model with regard to Europe’s ambition to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
The TwinEU project aims to create a digital twin for the entire European power grid, based on a vast consortium that also includes grid operators, market operators and players from the world of research.
Artelys will contribute to the consortium’s efforts to develop the concept of a European-wide digital twin, both by sharing its expertise in grid operation and by enriching the Artelys Crystal software suite with new developments in line with the project’s objectives.
This project is positioned as an ambitious R&D program between Africa and Europe, involving players and experts in the field eager to promote green hydrogen as a pillar in the decarbonization of the African and European economies.
Artelys will enhance its multi-energy modeling tool Artelys Crystal Super Grid to include the modeling of multiple hydrogen value chains in Africa. In particular, the main transport technologies will be integrated.
This project aims to promote European leadership in bioenergy technology by encouraging decentralized gas systems. It will develop modular and mobile syngas production units.
Artelys is developing a decision support tool that will provide quantitative information on the value of integrating innovative units into local systems. The tool will assess logistical feasibility and inform on the optimal integration of mobile units into the local energy system.
The aim of the project is to contribute to the development of storage solutions, to help meet the ambitious targets of the Green Deal. A series of storage technology demonstrators are being studied and implemented: 6 pilot projects are being developed in 5 European countries.
Artelys will assess the impact of the storage services provided by the innovations developed in the first phase by integrating them into a multi-energy model of the European energy system under several time horizons.
This project aims to facilitate citizen participation in peer-to-peer (P2P) trading and energy sharing, while ensuring equitable access to sustainable energy. The tools developed will be tested in 4 pilots in different energy communities, and each initiative will rely on blockchain technology to ensure traceability of activities.
Artelys will be responsible for implementing the peer-to-peer energy trading system, which can be integrated into the final platform.
HyNet is an ambitious research and development project under the Horizon Europe framework. It aims to conduct an in-depth study on the operation of hybrid AC/DC grids and the deployment of innovative solutions to address the rapid growth of direct current technologies and the widespread adoption of distributed energy resources. Artelys will contribute significantly by developing solutions for the planning and operation of hybrid AC/DC grids, enhancing the Artelys Crystal Super Grid software on one hand, and utilizing the open-source PowSyBl framework for fine-grained security analysis on the other.
As part of this project, Artelys will also be responsible for the use case demonstrating the potential benefits of an HVDC interconnection in Norway.
— Artelys has more than 300 customers in 40 countries. Artelys provides various types of services: consulting, development of costum softwares.. which are always adapted to the customer context.

— “Artelys has supported us throught the development of our energy master plan which defines the metropolitan energy strategy for 2030. The software Artelys Crystal City allowed us to evaluate the impact of our energy actions and guide our choices in the construction of the best scenario.”
— “Thanks to Artelys Crystal Resource Optimizer, Nice airport found the tool he always needed to develop its planning studies. The attentive and dynamic teams of Artelys allowed to carry out this project.”
— “Artelys Knitro and AMPL performance enables the automation of radiation therapy cancer treatment, resulting in faster treatment delivery and more accurate tumor irradiation and healthy tissue sparing. Thanks to the resolution of complex large scale optimization models more than 800 patients were treated since the beginning of the project.”
— “Artelys has been selected by ENTSO-E, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity, to undertake a study on the identification and assessment of options to implement the linking of bids between the day-ahead market coupling and reserve procurement processes. The Artelys team has delivered an in-depth analysis of the impacts of various bid linking options, relying on a deep understanding of relevant market designs, their expertise in optimization, and their track-record in the development of market clearing platforms.”
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