Smart City
Solutions for the smart cities of tomorrow… from today !
The solutions we provide enable local decision makers to face complex territorial planning issues while putting cities and territories in the center of energy transition.

master territories knowledge, write scenarios about their future
— Artelys helps many territorial collectivities to get an energy expertise on their territories and to search the most relevant solutions for energy transition:

Territory knowledge
Energetical and environmental diagnosis
Renewable and recuperation energies analysis
Actors ecosystem diagnosis
Support in data valuation

Scenarios & Overall plans
Construction of energy transition scenarios
Studies and comparision of energetical actions to conduct
Energy distribution grids evolution and planning
Sizing studies and electric overall plans

Numerical modeling and monitoring tools
Territoral and multi-energy scenarios modeling
Monitoring tools for territorial evolutions
Courses and skills improvement support
Simulation and optimization tools for smart electrical grids
they trust us

Decision support system for territorial energy planning
— Artelys Crystal City is the reference tool for territorial energy planning. Its smart and advanded features are relevant added values to drive properly energy transition in territories.
the metropolis of Lyon – an example of success

— From 2014, Artelys has accompanied Lyon Metropolis Energy mission to create and configure a modeling tool for its energetical system, in order to elaborate its overall energy strategy.

Status report
Energetical and environmental territorial diagnosis
Renewable and recuperation energies analysis
Financial energy transition mechanisms diagnosis

Conception of the energy transition scenarios for the metropolis
Multi-jurisdictional dialogue of local and national energetical partners

Development of the tool Artelys Crystal City
Training for the metropolis users
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