Artelys to participate in the demonstration of digital twins for optimal grid and market actions in Europe

29 January 2024

— Artelys is involved in the three-year Horizon Europe project TwinEU, which aims to create a digital twin of the entire European electricity grid with a unique consortium bringing together grid and market operators, research entities and technology providers.

As the deployment of renewable energy sources brings ever growing challenges for strategic grid operation and planning in Europe, the federation of local digital twin demonstrators into a concept of Pan-European digital twin will be a key asset to secure the resilient and cost-effective operation of the infrastructure while facilitating the emergence of new business models. In this context, Artelys will contribute to the set of competences of the TwinEU consortium by sharing its expertise on grid management and enrich the Artelys Crystal suite in support of the project’s objectives.

Artelys will notably contribute to the impact assessment of the project’s Hungarian demo in cooperation with F4STER, by implementing a Flow-Based capacity calculation methodology using PowSyBl, based on a detailed grid representation. This development will also allow the advanced modelling of TSO’s remedial actions, notably the role of phase-shifter transformers. Through the co-optimization of energy and balancing capacity market coupling, this method will thus provide useful insights on the opportunities for integrating renewable generation surplus, leading to higher price convergence and social welfare for end-users of the market.

Lessons from TwinEU’s pilot projects will also highlight new pathways towards emerging services and business models for system planning and operation, in cooperation with ELES. In the final steps of the project, Artelys will lead a deliverable on the impact of the innovative approaches highlighted by TwinEU demo-cases on the activity of main stakeholders, measuring both economic and environmental outcomes as well as benefits in terms of security of supply and grid resilience. In particular, this work may provide valuable insights into the integration of distributed flexibilities in future scenario developments or Cost-Benefit Analysis methodologies.

Artelys was present at the two-day TwinEU kick-off meeting on January 15th and 16th in Brussels to establish first contacts with the consortium and discuss the launch of these exciting future contributions.


Innovative grid technologies can improve renewable energy integration in the Latvian grid by up to 40%

Innovative grid technologies can improve renewable energy integration in the Latvian grid by up to 40%

—The power grid faces challenges in managing the increasing amounts of new wind and solar power generation. Grid Enhancing Technologies (GETs) are essential for optimizing the use of the existing infrastructure. Artelys carried out a study for Latvian Transmission System Operator (TSO) AST to assess the renewable generation hosting capacity of the transmission grid and to evaluate the benefits that GETs can provide to renewable integration. The study performed simulations using the open-source optimal flow tool, PowSyBI Metrix. Results show that Grid Enhancing Technologies can increase Renewable Energy Sources (RES) hosting capacity by up to 40% and were announced in the following press release.

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