Meet the Artelys Canada team during the Optimization Days 2022!
Optimization Days is an annual conference organized this year by the Group for Research in Decision Analysis (GERAD). Mathematical optimization gives companies the capability to predict and respond most efficiently and profitably to cope with their highest priority issues.
The conference aims to survey theory, numerical methods, and applications of optimization. It provides researchers from around the world the opportunity to exchange and to collaborate.
Artelys will hold two presentations on Wednesday, May 18th during the Industrial session:
4:45 – 5:10 PM: Introduction of Artelys solvers – market-clearing use case
- Artelys introduction and its solvers
- Use case: The European Market clearing platform TERRE
5:10 – 5:35 PM: Power flow optimization using Artelys Knitro
- Introduction of Artelys Knitro
- Artelys Knitro 13 new features
- Use-case: GO competition, a challenge focusing on security-constrained optimal power flow (SCOPF)
During this event, Artelys will be showcasing its optimization solvers, and projects using Artelys Knitro. Our optimization consultants will be sharing their expertise on how to apply optimization solutions to improve your decision process as well as exchanging views with participants.
If you want to arrange a meeting with Artelys Team, contact us!
Artelys Knitro 14.1: delivers very quick solutions on non-convex models
— We are pleased to announce that Artelys Knitro 14.0 is now available! This new version enables compagnies to solve complex non-linear optimization problems with unprecedented efficency and precision.
You missed the METIS 3 Dissemination event? The slides are now available!
— Artelys was thrilled to organize the METIS 3 Dissemination webinar on April 17, which was a great opportunity to present key studies and upgrades of METIS models and datasets conducted in the last four years, including exciting discussions with external panelists!
Artelys participates in the demonstration of large-scale underground hydrogen storage in Europe
— Artelys is involved in the five-year project FrHyGe funded by the European Commission via the Clean Hydrogen Partnership.
Artelys continues to expand internationally
With over 20 years of experience in mathematical optimization, Artelys offers a wide range of advanced components to adapt to your most complex challenges on an international scale.
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