A turnkey modelling solution for strategic studies in the Northeast power system
Questions about the future of our energy systems arise in many organizations: what flexibility means are needed to support the deployment of renewable energy sources? What role of the networks in tomorrow’s power system? What future for hydrogen and batteries? Addressing these strategic questions is key for all entities along the value chain, from utilities to ISOs via investors, policymakers, equipment manufacturers, etc. Answering these questions requires modeling structural changes of the system and this requires a holistic approach in a dedicated modeling framework.
This is why Artelys releases an innovative and comprehensive solution to help its clients deliver fast and to-the-point answers. It combines market simulation software Artelys Crystal Super Grid, standard datasets for today’s and tomorrow’s Northeast power system, and expert support services for advanced studies. The underlying techno-economic model of the Northeast power system has been developed with the support of the National Research Council of Canada (IRAP-NRC).
Read our white paper for more information on the model and use cases.
Read our white paper for more information on the model and use cases.
Feel free to reach out for any questions or to request a demo.
Artelys Knitro 14.1: delivers very quick solutions on non-convex models
— We are pleased to announce that Artelys Knitro 14.0 is now available! This new version enables compagnies to solve complex non-linear optimization problems with unprecedented efficency and precision.
You missed the METIS 3 Dissemination event? The slides are now available!
— Artelys was thrilled to organize the METIS 3 Dissemination webinar on April 17, which was a great opportunity to present key studies and upgrades of METIS models and datasets conducted in the last four years, including exciting discussions with external panelists!
Artelys participates in the demonstration of large-scale underground hydrogen storage in Europe
— Artelys is involved in the five-year project FrHyGe funded by the European Commission via the Clean Hydrogen Partnership.
Artelys continues to expand internationally
With over 20 years of experience in mathematical optimization, Artelys offers a wide range of advanced components to adapt to your most complex challenges on an international scale.
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