Artelys has developed an energy planning tool for Le Havre Seine Métropole

29 August 2023

— As part of Le Havre Seine Métropole's energy master plan, Artelys has worked with metropolitan services to set up a web platform for monitoring territorial energy data.

This solution enables the visualization of crucial indicators such as energy consumption, energy production, greenhouse gas emissions from the energy sector, renewable potential, and fuel poverty, with an annual time step. The tool provides a global overview of the large quantities at stake at territorial level, as well as identifying certain data at neighborhood level.

With this achievement, Artelys contributes to the dissemination of open-access data provided by network operators and regional observatories, and supports local authorities in their energy transition, while quantifying the energy challenges of tomorrow for Le Havre Seine Métropole’s citizens.

A future-proof, multi-purpose tool

Thanks to this evolving tool, Le Havre Seine Métropole can monitor the energy reality of its territory and compare it with territorial objectives. It has also enabled Artelys to draw up a precise diagnosis of Le Havre Seine Métropole’s energy profile in 2021, which was used for the subsequent work on the energy master plan (scenario development via Artelys Crystal City and the climate plan produced by Algoé).

The energy planning tool also incorporates a detailed representation of the heating networks present in the area, including network routes, heat production sites and heat energy consumption at the IRIS level. This makes it easy to visualize opportunities for deploying new networks or expanding existing ones.

Finally, Artelys Crystal City integrates data from local services, such as public electric charging stations and local pollutant emission levels.

Advanced use of public databases

In this project, Artelys put its expertise in processing public territorial energy data to work for Le Havre Seine Métropole.

To establish the energy consumption profile of Le Havre Seine Métropole at the IRIS level (around 2,000 inhabitants), Artelys drew on a vast array of public data, notably from the French Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion. Artelys then deducted territorial energy bills (annual budget spent on electricity, gas, biomass, etc.) via various price databases, as well as emissions via public emission factors from the ADEME Base Carbone (for greenhouse gas emissions).

To establish Le Havre Seine Métropole’s energy production profile, Artelys used public data from ENEDIS for photovoltaic energy, data from the regional observatory ORECAN for wood energy, and network data supplied by local heating network operators. In particular, the tool enables the local authorities of Le Havre Seine Métropole to precisely trace the evolution of fuels in their heating network, and the amplification of renewable energies.

Le Havre Seine Métrople’s testimony

“CRYSTAL CITY is a valuable resource because it centralizes all the data that was required to develop the SDE. It allows to compare progress if the projects undertaken over the years make it possible to achieve the energy objectives of the target scenario “Green and Blue Metropolis 2040”. In addition, the graphical and interactive interface is a relevant decision support tool.

Candice Le Borgne, responsible for monitoring gas and electricity concessions, Le Havre Seine Métropole

If you would like to learn more about Artelys Crystal City, you can contact us or visit the dedicated web page.

Innovative grid technologies can improve renewable energy integration in the Latvian grid by up to 40%

Innovative grid technologies can improve renewable energy integration in the Latvian grid by up to 40%

—The power grid faces challenges in managing the increasing amounts of new wind and solar power generation. Grid Enhancing Technologies (GETs) are essential for optimizing the use of the existing infrastructure. Artelys carried out a study for Latvian Transmission System Operator (TSO) AST to assess the renewable generation hosting capacity of the transmission grid and to evaluate the benefits that GETs can provide to renewable integration. The study performed simulations using the open-source optimal flow tool, PowSyBI Metrix. Results show that Grid Enhancing Technologies can increase Renewable Energy Sources (RES) hosting capacity by up to 40% and were announced in the following press release.

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