Class KNumNonLinearComb

  • public class KNumNonLinearComb
    extends KConstraint
    This class represents a constraint to propagate any non linear constraint of
    the form KNonLinearTerm COMPARATOR KNonLinearTerm.

    See Also:

    • Constructor Detail

      • KNumNonLinearComb

        protected KNumNonLinearComb​(long cPtr,
                                    boolean cMemoryOwn)
      • KNumNonLinearComb

        public KNumNonLinearComb​(KProblem prob,
                                 KNonLinearTerm left,
                                 KNonLinearTerm right,
                                 int NonlinCombOperator)
        Primary Constructor

        prob - the problem
        left - the left non linear term
        right - the right non linear term
        NonlinCombOperator - operator of the non linear constraint {<=,>=,==}
      • KNumNonLinearComb

        public KNumNonLinearComb​(KProblem prob,
                                 KNonLinearTerm left,
                                 KNumVar right,
                                 int NonlinCombOperator)
        Constructor with a non linear term on the left and a variable on the right

        prob - the problem
        left - the left non linear term
        right - the variable on the right
        NonlinCombOperator - operator of the non linear constraint {<=,>=,==}
      • KNumNonLinearComb

        public KNumNonLinearComb​(KProblem prob,
                                 KNonLinearTerm left,
                                 double right,
                                 int NonlinCombOperator)
        Constructor with a non linear term on the left and a real on the right

        prob - the problem
        left - the left non linear term
        right - the value on the right
        NonlinCombOperator - operator of the non linear constraint {<=,>=,==}
      • KNumNonLinearComb

        public KNumNonLinearComb​(KNumNonLinearComb toCopy)
        Copy Constructor
    • Method Detail

      • getConstraintIPtr

        public com.artelys.kalis.SWIGTYPE_p_void getConstraintIPtr()