
class KProblem : public KPtrArray<KProblem>

Constraint satisfaction and optimization problems include variables, constraints ( modeling entities ) and might have solutions after search. Such problems are represented in Artelys Kalis by objects of the class KProblem. These objects are holding the modeling entities objects, the solutions objects and the objective variable object and the sense of the optimization.

These elements are store in a KProblem object which is declared as follows :

KProblem myProblem(mySession,"myProblem");

This statement creates a KProblem object named myProblem and held by the KSession object mySession.

For using Kalis parallel search algorithms, it is necessary to create multiple instances of the problem to be solved. This can be done by using the following KProblem declaration :

KProblem myProblem(mySession,"myProblem", n);

This statement creates a KProblem object named myProblem, storing n problem instances and held by the KSession object mySession.



Public Types

enum LogLevel

Ouput log level.


enumerator NONE

Display no information, except requested by user (e.g. call to print() method)

enumerator LOW

Display errors and basic search information.

enumerator MEDIUM

Display errors, warnings and detailed search information.

enumerator HIGH

Display all information.


Display all information (including internal debug information)

enum Sense

Sense for optimization


enumerator Minimize

Minimize objective variable.

enumerator Maximize

Maximize objective variable.

enum constraintClass

Constraint classes for which an automatic relaxation is available.


enumerator KAbs
enumerator KAllDifferent
enumerator KEqualXc
enumerator KNotEqualXc
enumerator KGreaterOrEqualXc
enumerator KLessOrEqualXc
enumerator KEqualXyc
enumerator KNotEqualXyc
enumerator KGreaterOrEqualXyc
enumerator KDistanceLowerThanXyc
enumerator KDistanceGreaterThanXyc
enumerator KDistanceEqualXyc
enumerator KDistanceNotEqualXyc
enumerator KXEqualYMinusZ
enumerator KLinComb
enumerator KElement
enumerator KElement2D
enumerator KOccurenceVal
enumerator KOccurence
enumerator KGlobalCardinalityConstraint
enumerator KDisjunction
enumerator KConjunction
enumerator KGuard
enumerator KEquiv
enumerator KNumLinComb
enumerator OtherConstraints

Public Functions


Default constructor.

KProblem(const KSession &session, const char *name, int n = -1, unsigned int initialSize = 1024 * 1024, unsigned int initialRegisterSize = 1000)

Main problem constructor

If n = 0, a multi-instance KProblem object is created with as many instances as the number of available cores

If n < 0, a single-instance KProblem object is created

  • session – the KSession

  • name – the name of the problem

  • n – the number of problem instances

void setLogLevel(LogLevel logLevel)

Set the output log level.

void setPrintFunctionPointer(void *ctx, PrintFunctionPtr *pfp)

Set the print function pointer.

void trace(LogLevel logLevel, const char *format, ...) const

Trace ‘printf’ style function.

int getNumberOfVariables()

return the number of variables in the problem

int getNumberOfConstraints()

return the number of constraints in the problem

void collectAllSolutions()

Collects all solutions from subproblem instances.

KSolutionContainer &getSolutionContainer()

Get solution container.

int getNumberOfSolutions() const

Return the number of solutions already found for this problem.

bool problemIsSolved() const

Returns true iff at least one solution was found for this problem.

KSolution &getBestSolution() const

Returns best solution found if problem has an objective, last solution found otherwise.

KSolution &getSolution() const

Returns last solution found.

KSolution &getSolution(const int index) const

Returns the solution numbered ‘index’.

void post(const KConstraint &constraint)

Post a constraint to the problem.

void post(const KUserConstraint &constraint)

Post a user constraint to the problem.

void post(const KUserNumConstraint &constraint)

Post a user num constraint to the problem.

void post(const KConstraint *constraint)

Post a constraint given as a pointer to the problem. Caution: the pointer must be managed by the user and remain alive during optimization.

void setObjective(KIntVar &objective)

Set the objective function to the problem.

void setObjective(KFloatVar &objective)

Set the objective function to the problem as an continuous variable.

void setSense(int sense)

Sets optimization sense


sense – Maximization or Minimization

bool propagate(void)

Propagate changes in the problem, returns true if the problem is proved inconsistent, false otherwise.

void print() const

pretty printing of the problem

void printVariablesStates(void) const

pretty printing of the variables of the problem

void printDisjunctionsStates(void) const

pretty printing of the disjunctions involved in the problem

void optimizeInternalRepresentation()

Do some internal optimization to solve faster the problem.

KIntVar *getInstanceOf(const KIntVar *intVar) const

Returns mono-instance copy of multi-instance KIntVar object. The copy is already managed.

KFloatVar *getInstanceOf(const KFloatVar *floatVar) const

Returns mono-instance copy of multi-instance KFloatVar object. The copy is already managed.

KIntVarArray *getInstanceOf(const KIntVarArray *intVarArray) const

Returns mono-instance copy of multi-instance KIntVarArray object. The copy is already managed.

KNumVarArray *getInstanceOf(const KNumVarArray *numVarArray) const

Returns mono-instance copy of multi-instance KNumVarArray object. The copy is already managed.

KTaskArray *getInstanceOf(const KTaskArray *taskArray) const

Returns mono-instance copy of multi-instance KTaskArray object. The copy is already managed.

KDisjunctionArray *getInstanceOf(const KDisjunctionArray *disjunctionArray) const

Returns mono-instance copy of multi-instance KDisjunctionArray object. The copy is already managed.

KBranchingSchemeGroupArray *getInstanceOf(const KBranchingSchemeGroupArray *branchingSchemeGroupArray) const

Returns mono-instance copy of multi-instance KBranchingSchemeGroupArray object. The copy is already managed.

KLinearRelaxation *getLinearRelaxation(int strategy = 0)

Get an automatic relaxation of all the posted constraints (if relaxation available).

See the reference manual page of a constraint to check the available options. All constraints for which a relaxation is available provide at least strategies 0 and 1 : “0” is supposed to be tighter and “1” lighter. Automatic relaxation 0 is LP by default and automatic relaxation 1 is MIP by default, but you can change the type (global / continuous) of the variables using setGlobal and setAllGlobal of KLinearRelaxation.


strategy – parameter to choose the relaxation you want to use.

KLinearRelaxation *getLinearRelaxation(constraintClass constraintClassArray[], int strategyArray[], int nbElem)

Get an automatic relaxation of all the constraints in the array provided as an argument.

  • constraintClassArray – types of constraints you want to relax (must have nbElem elements)

  • strategyArray – strategy for each constraint (must have nbElem elements)

  • nbElem – number of elements in the arrays

KLinearRelaxation *getSimpleLinearRelaxation(int rtype)

Get an automatic relaxation of all the constraints in the array provided as an argument.

  • constraintArray – constraints you want to relax (must have nbElem elements)

  • strategyArray – strategy for each constraint (must have nbElem elements)

  • nbElem – number of elements in the arrays

bool hasObjective() const

Returns true is the problem has an objective.

KNumVar getObjective() const

Return the Objective variable.

Throws an ArtelysException if the problem has no objective.

void printMinimalConflictSet(void *ctx = nullptr, PrintFunctionPtr *pfp = nullptr, int verboseLebel = 1) const

Print a minimal conflict set for this problem.

  • ctx – printing context

  • pfp – pointer to a printing function

  • verboseLevel – verbosity level of the calculations

KConstraintArray computeMinimalConflictSet()

Return the minimal conflict set for this problem.

double getProblemSize()

Return a measure of the problem size.