Class KConditionNumLinComb

  • public class KConditionNumLinComb
    extends KConstraint
    Conditionnal numeric linear combination constraint.

    This constraint can be represented as a linear combination
    Sum(a_i * X_i * f(X_i)) { <= , != , == } C where the function f(X_i) is an
    indicator (1 or 0) function to specify.
    • Constructor Detail

      • KConditionNumLinComb

        protected KConditionNumLinComb​(long cPtr,
                                       boolean cMemoryOwn)
    • Method Detail

      • getConstraintIPtr

        public com.artelys.kalis.SWIGTYPE_p_void getConstraintIPtr()
      • conditionTest

        public int conditionTest​(int varIndex)
        Method to overload for indicator function