
Sudoku puzzles, originating from Japan, have recently made their appearance in many western newspapers. The idea of these puzzles is to complete a given, partially filled 9 × 9 board with the numbers 1 to 9 in such a way that no line, column, or 3 × 3 subsquare contains a number more than once. The figures Fig. 22 and Fig. 23 show two instances of such puzzles. Whilst sometimes tricky to solve for a human, these puzzles lend themselves to solving by a constraint programming approach.


Fig. 22 Sudoku (‘The Times’, 26 January, 2005)


Fig. 23 Sudoku (‘The Guardian’, 29 July, 2005)

Model formulation

As in the examples, we denote the columns of the board by the set XS = \{A, B, ..., I\} and the rows by YS = \{0, 1, ..., 8\}. For every x in XS and y in YS we define a decision variable V_{xy} taking as its value the number at the position (x, y).

The only constraints in this problem are:

  • all numbers in a row must be different,

  • all numbers in a column must be different,

  • all numbers in a 3 × 3 subsquare must be different.

These constraints can be stated with the KAllDifferent constraint that ensures that all variables in the relation take different values (see definition here).

&\forall x \in XS, y \in YS : V_{xy} \in \{1, ..., 9\} \\
&\forall x \in XS : \text{all-different}(V_{x1}, ..., V_{x9}) \\
&\forall y \in YS : \text{all-different}(V_{Ay}, ..., V_{Iy}) \\
&\text{all-different}(V_{A1}, ..., V_{C3}) \\
&\text{all-different}(V_{A4}, ..., V_{C6}) \\
&\text{all-different}(V_{A7}, ..., V_{C9}) \\
&\text{all-different}(V_{D1}, ..., V_{F3}) \\
&\text{all-different}(V_{D4}, ..., V_{F6}) \\
&\text{all-different}(V_{D7}, ..., V_{F9}) \\
&\text{all-different}(V_{G1}, ..., V_{I3}) \\
&\text{all-different}(V_{G4}, ..., V_{I6}) \\
&\text{all-different}(V_{G7}, ..., V_{I9})

In addition, certain variables V_{xy} are fixed to the given values.


The implementation for the Sudoku puzzle in figure Fig. 23 looks as follows:

// index variables
int indexX,indexY;
// Creation of the problem in this session
KProblem problem(session,"Sudoku");

// creation of a 9x9 matrix of KintVar
// we use the following bijection: A,B,..,I <-> 0,1,..,8
char name[80];
KIntVar *** vars = new KIntVar **[9];
for (indexX = 0;indexX < 9 ; indexX++)
    vars[indexX] = new KIntVar * [9];
    for (indexY = 0;indexY < 9 ; indexY++)
        vars[indexX][indexY] = new KIntVar(problem,name,1,9);

// Data from "The Guardian", 29 July, 2005.
vars[0][0]->instantiate(8); vars[5][0]->instantiate(3);
vars[1][1]->instantiate(5); vars[6][1]->instantiate(4);
vars[0][2]->instantiate(2); vars[4][2]->instantiate(7); vars[7][2]->instantiate(6);
vars[3][3]->instantiate(1); vars[8][3]->instantiate(5);
vars[2][4]->instantiate(3); vars[6][4]->instantiate(9);
vars[0][5]->instantiate(6); vars[5][5]->instantiate(4);
vars[1][6]->instantiate(7); vars[4][6]->instantiate(2); vars[8][6]->instantiate(3);
vars[2][7]->instantiate(4); vars[7][7]->instantiate(1);
vars[3][8]->instantiate(9); vars[8][8]->instantiate(8);

// All-different values in rows
for (indexX = 0;indexX < 9 ; indexX++)
    KIntVarArray tmpY;
    for (indexY = 0;indexY < 9 ; indexY++)
        tmpY += *vars[indexX][indexY];
    } KAllDifferent("alldiffVert",tmpY,KAllDifferent::GENERALIZED_ARC_CONSISTENCY));

// All-different values in columns
for (indexY = 0;indexY < 9 ; indexY++)
    KIntVarArray tmpX;
    for (indexX = 0;indexX < 9 ; indexX++)
        tmpX += *vars[indexX][indexY];
    } KAllDifferent("alldiffHoriz",tmpX,KAllDifferent::GENERALIZED_ARC_CONSISTENCY));

// All-different values in 3x3 squares
int i,j;
for (j=0;j<3;j++)
    for (i=0;i<3;i++)
        KIntVarArray tmpXY;
        for (indexY = i*3;indexY < i*3+3 ; indexY++)
            for (indexX = j*3;indexX < j*3+3 ; indexX++)
                tmpXY += *vars[indexX][indexY];
        } KAllDifferent("alldiff3x3",tmpXY,KAllDifferent::GENERALIZED_ARC_CONSISTENCY));

// propagating problem
if (problem.propagate())
    printf("Problem is infeasible\n");

// creation of the solver
KSolver solver(problem);
// look for all solutions
int result = solver.findAllSolutions();
// solution printing
KSolution * sol = &problem.getSolution();

// print solution resume
for (indexY = 0;indexY < 9 ; indexY++)
    printf("| %i %i %i | %i %i %i | %i %i %i |\n",

    if (indexY % 3 == 2)

// memory desallocation
for (indexX = 0;indexX < 9 ; indexX++)
    for (indexY = 0;indexY < 9 ; indexY++)
        delete vars[indexX][indexY];
    delete[] vars[indexX];
delete[] vars;


The model shown above generates the following output; this puzzle has only one solution, as is usually the case for Sudoku puzzles.


Fig. 24 Result of the Sudoku described in Fig. 23